IASJ Journal for Applied Jazz Research

In November 2021, an online IASJ Jazz Conference took place. The goal was to generate interest for a possible IASJ Journal. On 22nd November 2022, the IASJ Journal for Applied Jazz Research was launched. The online IASJ Journal is published by Grand Valley State University Libraries in Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA.

Two aspects make the IASJ Journal stand out: its focus on 'applied jazz research' and its 'dynamic review policy'. 'Applied jazz research' is the kind of research that fits jazz music best. The 'dynamic review policy' guaranties the high level of the content without the outdated peer-review straight jacket found in other publications.

During the Ongoing Dialogues, the IASJ Journal will be presented and discussed. Information is given on how the journal works, and how and why jazz musicians should contribute. Editors-in-chief: Kurt Ellenberger, Wouter Turkenburg
