What is hybrid teaching?
In hybrid teaching, teachers and students make use of online communication next to live communication. The old term for online teaching was called 'distant learning' Since 2020, hardware and software have improved substantially. Webcam cameras and microphones, Zoom and Teams became part of learning and teaching jazz. Several companies have developed software to support hybrid teaching. What are they offering, and what are the experiences of IASJ Members with hybrid teaching?
The Ear Academy
In South Africa, Hein Van de Geijn and Rus Nerwich developed an online music teaching system called The Ear Academy. It offers hundreds of hours of multimedia material, including instructional videos, audio tracks, backing tracks, downloadable notation PDFs, as well as teacher and student workbooks. Rus Nerwich is present in person to explain the Ear Academy, to discuss where in jazz education it fits in and by whom it can be used.