Maria Sol Friera, vocals, Argentina
Marvin Truong, tenor saxophone, USA
Miks Jurovs, tenor saxophone, Latvia
Seppo Kitachev, guitar, Finland
Justin Zitt, piano, Germany
Ralfs Arbidans, bass, Latvia
Gonçalo Duarte Albino, drums, Portugal
Coached by Anders Jormin
Double Rainbow - Antonio Carlos Jobim
Colors - Miks Jurovs
You must believe in spring - Michel Legrand
Rosemary´s baby - Kristof Komeda
Touli Dzeivoj - Ralfs Arbidans
Best display: use full screen on your computer. On other phones, pads and other devices: it depends on your settings. Landscape might be the best setting.
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Commercial usage: contact the maker: Wouter Turkenburg at